Andy Sotiropoulos

Workers' Compensation

At Andy Sotiropoulos and Associates, we extend our legal knowledge to workers' compensation claims, offering comprehensive legal support to employees who have been injured on the job in
Northern Illinois and the Chicagoland area.
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Understanding Workers’ Compensation in Illinois

Workers' compensation is a critical safety net for employees injured at work, designed to
provide benefits regardless of fault. In Illinois, workers’ compensation benefits typically cover
medical expenses, lost wages (temporary total disability), and compensation for permanent
partial or total disability. It is essential for injured workers to file a claim with the Illinois Workers’
Compensation Commission to receive these benefits. Our team assists in navigating this
process, ensuring that claims are filed correctly and promptly.

Your Rights as an Injured Worker

The law protects employees who file workers' compensation claims. Employers are prohibited from harassing, threatening, or terminating employees for claiming these benefits. Maintaining a healthy employer-employee relationship is vital, and our firm helps ensure that your rights are respected throughout the claim process.

Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance providing wage replacement and medical benefits to employees injured during employment, in exchange for the mandatory relinquishment of the employee's right to sue their employer. Understanding this trade-off is crucial for any employee in Illinois.

Eligibility for Workers’ Compensation
To be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits in Illinois, an employee must have sustained an injury or illness that is directly related to their job duties or working conditions. This eligibility is irrespective of fault, making the system a no-fault insurance scheme.

Types of Injuries Covered Under Workers' Compensation
Workers’ compensation covers a range of injuries and illnesses, from acute injuries sustained in accidents to repetitive stress injuries and occupational diseases developed over time.

Benefits Provided by Workers' Compensation
The benefits provided under workers’ compensation in Illinois include medical care for the injury or illness, temporary total disability benefits while the employee is unable to work, temporary partial disability benefits if the employee returns to work at a lower wage, and permanent disability benefits if the worker is permanently unable to return to their previous job.

The Complexity of Workers’ Compensation Claims

While workers’ compensation is designed to be straightforward, the reality is often more complex. Insurance companies may not always offer fair settlements, making it crucial to have strong legal representation. Our attorneys are skilled in dealing with insurance companies, aiming to maximize your recovery and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Navigating Dual Claims: Workers’ Compensation and Personal Injury

In some cases, workers may have the right to pursue both a workers' compensation claim and a personal injury claim. For instance, if an employee is injured in a car accident while performing job duties, they may have a claim against their employer for workers’ compensation and against the other driver for personal injury. We adeptly handle such dual claims, providing a comprehensive legal strategy that addresses all aspects of your situation.

How Does Workers’ Compensation Work?

Employers are required by law to carry workers' compensation insurance, covering injuries sustained on the job. However, not all injuries or damages are straightforward, and disputes over the nature and extent of injuries are common. Our firm provides the expertise to navigate these disputes, ensuring that your claim is thoroughly evaluated and presented.

Partner with Andy Sotiropoulos and Associates

At Andy Sotiropoulos and Associates, we understand the impact of a workplace injury on your life and livelihood. Our dedicated legal team is here to guide you through the workers' compensation process, from filing your claim to representing you in disputes. Contact us for a comprehensive evaluation of your workers' compensation case.
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2021 Midwest Rd. Suite 200, Oak Brook, IL 60523
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