Guide to DUI Evaluations in Illinois
Undergoing a DUI evaluation in Illinois is a critical step in the legal process following a DUI charge. This guide aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the essential documents required, the evaluation process, risk classifications, and where to get evaluated.
1. Essential Documents for DUI Evaluations
Preparing for a DUI evaluation involves gathering several key documents that play a crucial role in the assessment:
Traffic Citations: Citations received during the incident provide context and details about the offense.
Law Enforcement Sworn Report or Notice of Statutory Summary Suspension: These documents offer official accounts of the incident and any immediate legal actions taken.
Toxicology Test Results: If administered, these results are crucial in evaluating alcohol or drug levels at the time of the incident.
Court Purposes Driving Abstract: Obtainable from CyberDrive Illinois or Secretary of State Driver Services facilities, this abstract presents a comprehensive driving history.
Out-of-State Driving Record: Relevant for those with driving history in other states.
List of Medications: Information about medications taken at the time of the arrest can impact the evaluation outcome.
Valid Photo Identification: A necessary requirement for identity verification.
Evaluation Fee Payment: Typically around $250, this fee covers the cost of the evaluation process.
Previous Substance Abuse or Mental Health Treatment Documentation: These documents can provide valuable context for the evaluator.
Additional Requirements: Some evaluations may require a urine sample or a third-party interviewee.

2. The DUI Evaluation Process and Risk Classifications
Anyone charged with a DUI in Illinois must complete a DUI evaluation before sentencing. This assessment determines whether substance use played a role in the offense and what level of education or treatment may be required. The evaluation is conducted by a licensed provider and focuses on several key factors, including chemical test results, driving history, and a personal interview. The findings not only influence court sentencing but also impact a person’s ability to reinstate their driver’s license.
Chemical test results are a major part of the evaluation. Breath, blood, or urine tests are used to measure blood alcohol content or detect drugs in a person’s system. If a driver refuses to submit to testing, that refusal is also taken into consideration. The evaluation also includes a review of the individual’s driving history, which looks at prior DUI arrests, past license suspensions, and any patterns of alcohol or drug-related offenses. A person with a clean record may be classified differently than someone with multiple past violations.
A personal interview is another critical part of the evaluation. The evaluator will ask about drinking or drug use habits, prior substance abuse treatment, and any other factors that may indicate whether a DUI offense was an isolated incident or part of a broader pattern. Providing honest and accurate information is important, as this interview helps determine the appropriate level of intervention.
Based on these factors, individuals are placed into one of four risk classifications. Those classified as Minimal Risk are only required to complete DUI Risk Education, while those classified as Moderate Risk must complete both DUI Risk Education and early intervention services. Significant Risk applies to individuals with a history of substance use or prior DUI offenses, requiring both DUI Risk Education and structured substance abuse treatment. High Risk is the most serious classification and applies to individuals with multiple DUI convictions or long-term substance dependency, requiring intensive substance abuse treatment before moving forward.
The classification assigned during the evaluation plays a major role in both legal outcomes and the ability to regain driving privileges. Courts consider these assessments when determining penalties, and the Secretary of State requires individuals to complete all recommended programs before a license can be reinstated. Failing to complete the evaluation process or comply with its recommendations can lead to delays, additional penalties, or longer periods without driving privileges. Understanding how these classifications work and taking the necessary steps toward compliance is essential for anyone facing a DUI charge in Illinois.
3. Where to Get Evaluated
Where to Get Evaluated
Evaluations must be performed by licensed providers, which may vary by county:
Cook County: Central States Institute of Addiction
DuPage County: DuPage County Probation Department
Lake County: Nicasa Behavioral Health Services
Other Counties:
Any provider licensed by the Illinois Division of Alcoholism & Substance Abuse (DASA)
You can find a comprehensive list of licensed evaluation providers and additional resources for each county at the following:
–Central States Institute of Addiction
–DHS/DASA DUI Evaluations
–DUI & Substance Abuse Service Providers List
–Will County DUI Provider List
For personalized assistance and to ensure you are adequately prepared for your DUI alcohol & drug evaluation in Chicago, IL, contact Andy Sotiropoulos, your dedicated advocate in DUI defense & license reinstatement matters.
Call today to arrange your consultation.
Contact Andy Sotiropoulos:
Phone: 708-408-9010